Saturday, November 23, 2013

5K Race to Save the Day!

I had typed up a full reflection of my first post-marathon race (a light-hearted fun run called the Everyday Superheroes 5K in Bellingham), but Blogger decided to completely erase it.  I have neither the time nor the patience to re-create what I'd written, so I will let the photos stand on their own.  After all, this run was certainly not about the running -- it was about the costumes!

We used our creativity,  two recycled Halloween costumes, decorative duct tape, and old blankets to become Super Hilary, Bat Nurse* (*Bat Woman mask not featured in photo), and Super Taco!!  The highlight of the entire event was when Super Taco was announced as the winner of the costume contest and awarded with a crisp $100 bill.  This was double the prize money that the overall winner of the race received!  

It was oodles of fun, and I am certain that we will accomplish many great feats now that we've unleashed our inner superheroes... Only time will tell what obstacles we'll overcome and villains we'll defeat as we continue our quests to be powerful forces of good!