Thursday, August 14, 2014

Team Road Killers Conquers Ragnar Northwest Passage

Last year, I ventured into the great unknown of a Ragnar overnight running relay race for the first time.  I discovered what it was like to cover 200 miles of road on a team of 12 and share the adrenaline rush, pain, joy, and stench of the experience with 5 van mates.  I felt the camaraderie of being on a relay team; I learned lots about Ragnar traditions and customs; I met some really cool people; I saw some gorgeous scenery; and I had a blast.  I was ready to do it again!

Ragnar Northwest Passage 2014 was equally enjoyable.  There were a few bumps along the way, but it still turned out to be an epic experience.   Our team was the Road Killers, which consisted of six new friends from California in van one and the following folks in our van: me, Adam, Sergio, Rachel J, Luis, and Issac.  We ‘killed’ it on the course!

Prior to the start of the race, I was a bit nervous.  I became a captain of our team and had the extra responsibility of organizing, coordinating, and rallying the troops.  My tendonitis was still flaring up in my lower left hamstring, and my IT Bands were as tight and inflamed as can be.  I stretched, rolled out, did PT exercises as much as I could, and felt skeptical.  But I didn’t want to miss out on this much-anticipated event! 

Yet, once the race started, things fell into place.  I completed my 18.6 [hilly] miles with much less pain than I’d envisioned, and things [almost] went off without a hitch!  There was one botched exchange, though, during which the other van somehow went to the site for exchange 18 instead of the correct site of exchange 12.  When Issac (our last runner) arrived to ceremoniously slap the slap-wrap “baton” onto the next runner, our fellow Road Killers were nowhere to be found.  But, after some deliberation, he ran a few extra miles and met them later down the course.  We took it all in stride.

Here are some photos from the Road Killers’ Ragnar Northwest Passage experience 2014:



The pictures feature: van 2 group carbo-loading the night before the race, van decorations, me taking off for the first time-- starting off the race for van 2, several exchanges, views of nighttime running, Deception Pass, Issac bringing it home for the team, and our photo finish.  Can’t you just tell how fun and beautiful it was?!

It took us 28 hours, 47 minutes, 10 seconds to complete the course.  We ended in 115th place out of the 455 teams that finished the entire race.  But we should get first place for having the most spirit!

My left hamstring is still not back to normal, and I’ve accepted the reality that I should not run until it’s fully healed.  (I know, I know!  I keep saying it and fail to follow my own advice.  But I really am taking a break this time).  I think that this may be just around the corner-- hooray!  I look forward to more running adventures… although I'll wait to take part in another overnight race until year!

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